A Code Red Extreme Heat Alert will be in effect in Baltimore today. People are reminded to stay hydrated, limit strenuous outdoor activities, and wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. A code red extreme heat alert will be in effect in Baltimore today. Baltimore City Health Commissioner Dr- Leana Wen talks with WEAA’s Julius White about tips to stay safe in beating the heat as well as food safety tips for your 4th of July Holiday picnics.

Cooling centers in the city will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Any city resident experiencing signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke should call 911. To find the closest cooling center or who are concerned about a neighbor can call 311.
The Maryland Department of the Environment has issued a code orange Air Quality Alert Tuesday for the Baltimore metro area. A Code Orange Air Quality Alert means that air pollution concentrations within the region may become unhealthy for sensitive groups. Sensitive groups include children, people suffering from asthma, heart disease or other lung diseases and the elderly. The effects of air pollution can be minimized by avoiding strenuous activity or exercise outdoors.